Thursday, May 17, 2007

So I've had a little over a week of break time, much more time to be with family and to look after myself. I found myself pretty sick after a little less than a year of trying to figure out what was wrong. I have really needed time to find balance again. I've started back into a yoga class for the first time in over two years. It's Iyengar, which I'm not crazy about, but the teacher is excellent and it's right across the street from where we live so I'm delighted with the whole set up. (The first time I went I found myself critiquing the Iyengar style and having to tell myself "you're here to relax Wendy!") I've also been drinking wheatgrass nearly daily and it completely changes my day every time I drink it. I get nauseatingly cheerful for a few hours after.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Pictures from Kainoa's buddy Kai's 5th birthday party. The boys turned the sandbox lid into a ship and Kainoa reenacted Gericault's "Raft of the Medusa."

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Happy Birthday Kainoa!

I've been having a hard time getting things to post so I'm just going for the one pic I had success with. Kainoa is the big 4 now. We're ridiculously proud of him.

The semester is almost over, but not without a little hullabaloo, a piece from the bfa exhibition has made the news, apparently it's getting covered by CNN as well. Have a look here
and here.