Please mail your single mittens (lost their mate) to: Jean Pitman, 1541 B
Palolo Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96816.
They can be in any condition, any size and they can be gloves if that is all
you have although I definitely prefer mittens. Include inside the lone
mitten this information or a scrap of paper (if you do not do this, I will
fabricate this information as part of the piece): 1.) the first name of the
person who wore it. 2.) the town/city and country it is being mailed from
and 3.) any brief story behind or date of loss (if you can remember). This
information will be incorporated into the piece so please remain as
anonymous as possible (I will not be using any last names).
If you want to see an image of the final piece/project/sculpture, please
include your email address or mailing address, if you want a hard copy of
the image.
Please forward this information to as many people as possible. Thank you
for your participation. Jean Pitman in Honolulu, HI USA: