Saturday, October 13, 2007

It's been Kainoa and I since Tuesday night (Glenn's been in Chicago) and I've done my best at satisfying my young son's family needs ("put my truck in the bathtub... I wanted to make the letters turn blue... draw a soccer team for me... let's pretend we're hippos... lay with me... i don't want apple juice i want cranberry juice, no i want apple juice...") The comparison has been made many times before but one more time here we go, caring for a young child can be much like tending to a drunk. We've had a wonderful week but I'm flat out exhausted. The Intersections visiting artist arrived this week and didn't do his paperwork right (meaning we can't pay him unless divine intervention i.e. immigration, cooperates), his artwork needed a clean storage space (at UH?) and the sweet organic grocery store that volunteered to provide the food for his reception dropped the ball and now in the midst of it all I need to come up with reception food for tomorrow. Not all that hard but another thing on my plate. I'm supposed to make work for my show in December, I'd better find my magic hat to pull this rabbit out of....

1 comment:

lisa solomon said...

did you find that hat??
and if so, may i borrow it?